Let Us Do Your Keyword Research and Show Up When It Counts

Find the Search Terms and Queries Customers Use to Find Your Services and Show Up in the SERPS.

A business owner considering local SEO services.

What is Keyword Research?

Keyword research is the process of finding and analyzing the search terms that people use to search for information online.

It is an essential part of search engine optimization (SEO).

It helps you to identify the terms that your target audience is using to find your services.

Finding and knowing your most valuable keywords also helps you to create relevant SEO content for your potential customers.

Imagine you're a detective, and your job is to figure out exactly what phrases or words people are typing into Google when they're looking for whatever it is you're offering.

Once you've got that information, you can start tailoring your website and content to meet those specific needs.

That is what keyword research is.

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What Happens to your business when you don't do keyword research on your website?

A business not doing keyword research is like a ship sailing without a compass—you might move, but you're less likely to get where you want to go. Here are some potential setbacks that could hit your business if your skip this crucial step.


Missing Out on Relevant Traffic

Imagine setting up a hotdog stand in the middle of a vegetarian festival. Bad idea, right? Similarly, if you haven't done keyword research, you won't know where your audience is or what they're looking for. You might get traffic, but it’s likely to be the wrong kind of traffic—visitors who bounce quicker than a basketball during the playoffs.


Wasted Resources

You could be pouring time, effort, and money into content that nobody cares about. It's like cooking a lavish five-course meal only to realize nobody's coming to dinner. Without the guiding light of keyword research, you might focus on topics that are irrelevant or too competitive, effectively throwing your marketing budget down the drain.


Frustrating User Experience

If you're not aligned with what people are searching for, you won't be able to provide the answers they need. Visitors landing on your site will be disappointed, and that’s a quick way to lose credibility. First impressions matter, especially online.


Losing Ground to Competitors

While you're sailing aimlessly, your competitors are capturing your target audience because they’ve done their homework. They know what keywords to rank for, what questions to answer, and how to meet user intent. You'll be playing catch-up while they're crossing the finish line.


Low Conversions

Even if people do find your website, they're less likely to take the actions you want them to—like making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or whatever your goals are. Why? Because you haven't tailored your content to meet their needs or answer their questions.


Losing Valuable Insights

Keywords offer more than just SEO benefits; they offer insights into market trends, customer behavior, and emerging opportunities. Without this information, you're essentially turning a blind eye to valuable business intelligence.

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What are the Benefits of Doing Keyword Research for Your Business?

Why keyword research is like the Swiss Army knife of digital marketing.

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It’s Like Reading Your Customer’s Mind

When you know the keywords your audience is using, you're essentially getting a peek into their thoughts. What are they curious about? What problems are they trying to solve? This is invaluable stuff, and you can use it to tailor your content, products, or services to exactly what they need.

You get keyword research.

Skyrocket Your Traffic

When you align your website and content with the right keywords, you're essentially putting yourself in the line of sight of potential customers. The result? More organic traffic, which is not just high in quantity but also more relevant. This isn't just any traffic; this is traffic that's already interested in what you have to offer.

You get Google My Business Management.

Higher Conversion Rates

Keyword research doesn't just help with traffic; it helps with the right kind of traffic. When you optimize for specific, targeted keywords, the visitors you attract are far more likely to convert. That's like having a store in the mall and knowing that most people walking in are already interested in buying what you’re selling.

You get Google Analytics and Google Search Console set up.

Stay Ahead of the Curve (and Your Competition)

Keyword research tools often show the competition level for each keyword. If you find those hidden gems—high-traffic, low-competition keywords—you're setting yourself up to edge out competitors.

You get a website audit.

Optimize Your Marketing Budget

Who doesn’t love saving money, right? With keyword research, you can identify which keywords are most likely to give you the best bang for your buck. This is especially crucial for paid advertising campaigns like Google Ads. Why waste money on keywords that won’t convert when you can focus on those that will?

You get local SEO.

Content That Hits the Bullseye

Ever stared at a blank screen wondering what to blog about? Keyword research to the rescue! When you know what your audience is searching for, creating SEO content becomes a whole lot easier—and more effective. You're not just creating content; you're creating content that people actually want to read.

You get weekly updates.

Long-Term Success

SEO isn't a one-night stand; it’s a long-term relationship. When you invest in keyword research, you're laying down a strong foundation for ongoing SEO success. As you continue to monitor how these keywords perform, you can adapt and evolve, ensuring that you stay relevant and continue to drive traffic.

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Why Work With Us?

Partner with Bowie SEO and save time and money, and acheive your sales and revenue goals.. We work only for you, never your competition in your local area.

Focus on your business.

We let you focus On Your Business, not on digital Marketing

Concentrate on running your business and not on doing keyword research, writing copy, and competitor analysis.

Save time.

You Save Time and Money With Advanced Keyword Research

Save money with the best search marketing methods that are proven to boost your website traffic and generate leads for your business.

Get your own SEO team.

You Get Your Own SEO Team for Your Business

Have your own team of SEO specialists helping you grow your business. Discover new opportunities to expose your company new customers.

Want to see how we can help you grow your business with SEO?

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Frequently Asked Questions about Keyword Research

How many keywords should I use for SEO?

You should focus on one primary keyword for each page.

The primary keyword is your star player, so it should appear in your title meta description, H1 tag, and sprinkled throughout your content.

Use variants of your primary keyword to help provide context. Use variants naturally in your subheadings and body text.

Remember, it's not about stuffing your content with keywords but seamlessly integrating them to enhance readability and relevance.

Focus on quality and relevance over sheer quantity. Ready to rock those rankings?

How long does keyword research take?

The time it takes for keyword research can vary widely based on your project's scope, the tools you're using, and how deep you want to dive.

If you're running a small blog or website and you're just skimming the surface, you might knock it out in a few hours.

But for a business, it could take several days or even weeks, especially if you're doing competitor analysis, focusing on multiple sectors, or diving into consumer behavior and trends.

Keyword research isn't a one-and-done deal.

It's more like a garden; you've got to keep tending it to see it flourish.

Trends change, consumer behaviors shift, and algorithms update, so it's good to revisit your keyword strategy every few months.

What are the three main factors that go into choosing a keyword?

#1. Search Volume

Think of search volume as the audience in a concert hall. The more people there are, the bigger the applause (or boos, but let's stay optimistic!). Search volume tells you how many times a specific keyword is being searched for within a given time frame, usually per month.

Why It Matters:

A keyword with a high search volume is like a crowded concert hall—it means there's a lot of interest. But beware, a higher audience often means more competition, so you'll need to weigh that factor in as well.

How to Check:

Tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, and Ahrefs can give you a ballpark figure for monthly search volume. These tools often also show trends, so you can see if a keyword is gaining or losing popularity over time.

#2. Keyword Difficulty or Competition

You have to size up the competition. Keyword difficulty is a metric that indicates how tough it will be to rank on the first page of search results for that keyword.

Why It Matters:

A keyword with high difficulty is like the VIP section at a club—tough to get into without some serious clout. However, low or medium-difficulty keywords can be more accessible and still offer good traffic potential.

How to Check:

SEO tools like Ahrefs and SEMrush usually have a "Keyword Difficulty" or "Competition" metric. The lower the score, the easier it should be to rank for, although there are no guarantees in the SEO world.

#3. Relevance and Intent

Is this keyword genuinely applicable to your business, and does it align with what your target audience is looking for?

Why It Matters:

Imagine showing up at a costume party dressed for a business meeting. Sure, you might grab attention, but not the right kind. Relevance ensures you're attracting visitors genuinely interested in what you have to offer.

How to Check:

This one's less about tools and more about common sense. Ask yourself: Does this keyword relate to my products or services? Does it align with my brand? If the keyword meets the "four Ws" (who, what, when, where) of your business, then you're golden.

Business man an calling our local SEO company.

Ready to Get Do Some Keyword Research and Attract More Customers to Your Website?

Call us and we'll find the best and most profitable keywords for your business.